So you have one of the terrible errors on your Ninja Foodi and you aren’t the type of person to MacGyver your way out of trouble. I wish I had better news for you here, but this is a “call customer service” issue. The number printed in my manual is: 1-877-646-5288
Error 8
Answer: You will need to call customer service at 1-877-646-5288 and get warranty service, or if you have purchased it recently, you might be able to return it to the store you got it from. Several people have reported via email and in the comments they were able to get a return processed past the warranty (tips at the bottom of the article).
Yes, I’m sorry to be the one to say these are the worst error messages you can see on the Ninja Foodi, and when researching, the ERR8 seemed to be the most common people asked about.

Step 1: Call Support
Don’t panic. Call support. There is a chance they will be able to help you over the phone and fix the problem. If you have any of these issues and support can help on the phone. You would be doing your fellow Foodi Results Readers a service if you report back and let us post the help for everyone to see.
No Resolution, or do they want you to send it back? Before you spend money on shipping, you might try returning or exchanging it at the store you purchased your Foodi from.

Step 2: Attempt a Return or Exchange
I really can’t say much more than that. The store you purchased your Foodi from has discretion on whether or not they take the item back for exchange or refund. This can be very frustrating if you have had your Foodi longer than the allowed return period.
The best bet you have is to keep in mind the following things:
- Return staff and managers are people too
- Asking nicely goes a long way
- Trying again later is a valid response
I assume all the wonderful people reading Foodi Results are upstanding polite people who know how to win friends and influence people. However, assuming things has never gotten me very far. So keep in mind the people you are asking to help you with a return or exchange likely have been dealing with rude people all day, been scammed a few times, and have a lot of extra work and paperwork after you leave the store.
Just because they grant you a refund or exchange doesn’t mean their job is over. The customer service person or manager often has to do more paperwork after you leave and explain why they allowed the refund or exchange. Being nice really will go a very long way.
If you were as lovely as possible and didn’t get anywhere, it might be worth waiting until a shift change and trying again. This rarely works, but when you are going to be without your Foodi for days or weeks, it might well be worth a shot.
If you cannot get a replacement, move on to step 3.

Step 3: Send It To The Factory For Repair or Warranty Service
If you have exhausted all options or are unwilling to try step 2 (I typically avoid that one me). Then the only thing left is to call customer service back and start the Warranty Service or general repair process. Hopefully, your Foodi is under Warranty and will be covered.
However, when I looked, many people said they had to pay for shipping to get service. It would be worth asking the agent if they can waive any shipping fees. Again as I mentioned before, being nice can go a long way. Many customer service agents are only getting to hear from the people that have problems and are not happy. So if you can lighten the mood and show some compassion, you will often be able to get better service than everyone else.
I will update this post as we learn more about the specific errors and possible fixes.
*Errors may be fixed without needing warranty service to have the asterisk and a link to the corresponding article.
Tips Based On Feedback from Y’all!
Several people have reported being able to get a return on their Foodi product even a year or more out of warranty. This doesn’t work for everyone and several people have shared back their tips when asked on how they did it, the number one answer was, “be very nice.” I didn’t find that all that shocking people want to help people they like and being nice to someone working phone support can go a long way. Other tips ranged from keeping their papwerwork and recipets in order, to paying a small fee to get it done.
I realize these tips align with what is said in the steps above, but I wanted to give those looking for a shortcut a cut and dry way to get the answer they seek.
Other Ninja Foodi Errors
- ERR1
- ERR2
- ERR3
- ERR4
- ERR5
- ERR6
- ERR8
- POT *
If you know about an error I don’t have listed please tell me about it in a comment!
Called Ninja for error 8, and since not under warranty, was told I was out of luck. Tracked it down to a thermal sensor (Microtemp ZFMA BB G4A00) in the lid, a $2 part, but too far taken apart to try to salvage.
Good work on figuring out the part. If you are willing to try something crazy maybe you could send it to me to try and fix? I would love to try and it will help me improve the article.
Would make an interesting video regardless.
Called Ninja for error 8, and since not under warranty, was told I was out of luck. Tracked it down to a thermal sensor (Microtemp ZFMA BB G4A00) in the lid, a $2 part, but too far taken apart to try to salvage.
Hey Matt, the post on Reddit was removed – might it be possible for you to post it here? Thanks!
I found the post on wayback machine:
Called customer service and told them I didn’t know when I bought the Ninja Foodi. The replaced the base with a new one for the cost of shipping, $20.95. It was a great experience! I have bought Ninja products for years and they have always had great customer service.
Called customer service, super easy! Gave info, $22.22 shipping, they’re sending me a new one! I did buy on Amazon a year and a half ago so I really didn’t expect them to do much but definitely worth the call!
Awesome! Thanks for sharing. Feel free to come back and share something you make! We have a recipe section, and I would love to have you check it out!
Did what you said. Error code 8. Out of warranty but they replaced it at no charge except for shipping cost.
Awesome, thanks for sharing!
My mom asked me to make my brothers lunch and I turned on the ninja to air crisp and it said err8. Is there any way to fix it with out paying for the new plate?
I just got off the phone with customer service today (1 (866) 826-6941), January 29, 2022 at 11:45 am. When they asked me when I purchased my foodi, I told them that I did not remember, but i do recall it was either almost a year ago or a bit over. I told the customer service rep that it had the ERR8 code on the display. She told me that they will replace the base unit for me with a $20.99 shipping charge. It was an easy experience and I did not have to “prove: anything because of the error code. She also mentioned that if they were able to fix it over the phone, they would of needed access to my camera. Hope this helps someone.
Thank you Chan for posting about this. I think it will help others for sure!
Matt just posted a link to a way to remove the fryer function. Not sure if you are interested in trying that or not.
So, you can just delete the air fryer on the Foodi if you want to keep the pressure cooker. I figured out how. You can follow the tutorial on reddit.
This seems pretty cool. If I ever get this error or come across a broken Foodi I’ll for sure make a YouTube video about trying this out. Thanks for sharing!
The same thing happened to me I got air 8 warranty ran out a year ago go haven’t even had it 2 years was busy frying bacon when a message came on called company Sunday could not do anything about it it is a malfunction of the computer computer I would have to end up buying a new one for another 200 and some dollars I think these are overpriced and the warranty should be longer than a year they should last a lot longer than that I had the 8 qt 1 but 12 very disappointed don’t think I’ll buy another ninja product
Hey Sharyn, that is pretty annoying for sure. IDK if you hung onto your unit or not but Matt just posted a link to Reddit that would let you delete the Air Fryer function and use the rest of the cooker still. If I get hold of one of these broken ones I’m going to try that out and put it on YouTube.
I always thought that Ninja is a great brand until I got Ninja Foodi pressure cooker and Air Fryer. We haven’t even used it that often and it started showing Err8 within 20 months. I mean if such a high priced item cannot even tolerate usage of once a week then what’s the point of spending so much? Called customer service and they rudely said that I’d need to buy another one without providing me any offer. Never ever thought that such big brands don’t even know how to retain customers. I am highly disappointed with their 1 year warranty period which is good for NOTHING. Buyers beware. Save your Money
Hey Su, I’m really sorry to hear about your experience. I would expect these big companies to learn good customer service, especially at a point of failure, is the perfect time to pull out all the stops and do a great job. I don’t know if it helps, but I suggest trying to call back and get in touch with a more likable agent. Sometimes the person you are talking with may not know they have the power to help, or they are worried about meeting some quota of numbers, etc. Typically, I ask for a manager after I get nowhere with the floor agent. I explain my problem again, realizing they are new to the situation and have the power to help. I wish you luck, and if you try again, please post back on what happens.
This is a rip off and should fall under some sort of a lemon law. I am calling my state AG office about them. This is unacceptable! There are literally 1000s of these cases
I called for ERR8 and the warranty expired 4 months ago. They offered to sell me another base for $129.99 plus shipping. I asked if there was anything else she could do and she came back with a 1 time offer to replace the base at half price and they would pay shipping. The warranty on that would be 90 days because it’s considered a part. I’m not happy knowing these rather costly appliances are basically good for a year before you have to replace them.
I’m really sorry to hear about that. It’s good for people to know if others have issues. Some people have told us about their experience in the comments as well.
Mine is 21 months old. Called company and was told that I would have to buy a new base, $165 or new product, $235. Not acceptable. Just ordered an Instant Pot Air Fryer. Maybe another brand will last longer.
Yeah, that is crazy. Thanks for sharing! I really want to hear how you like the Instant Pot once you get it going.
Foodi came up with Err8 code and everything I saw online said to talk to warranty service. Thankfully happened a few weeks before 1year so they agreed to replace with a new base. Hoping this new machine comes with an extended warranty. It works fantastic… until it doesn’t. I don’t like not being able to fix it or recycle the machine somehow.
My was 13 months old and they are sending me a onetime new replacement base. Could not be happier.
Good to know! Thanks for sharing! I really like hearing about good customer experiences.
Warranty went off Christmas Day and now a year later I am told it is an internal problem and I have to buy a new one. I can’t afford a new one. This was a gift from my husband and children.
Dang I’m sorry to hear that. When you called did they try to help you?