A Little About Us
There is always a more manageable way if you don’t know, and I’m always looking for it. So when my buddy, Nathan, told me there was an evolution in pressure cookers, a literal game-changer, he had my ear. Now, for some background, when my wife and I got wind of the countertop pressure cookers and the time savings, we didn’t just get 1; we got 2! Our plan was simple: we would purchase two brands in the same class and size and then make some comparisons for YouTube. At least that was the plan.
We found them so helpful that we just ended up using them all the time! I recorded reviews, but we continued using them instead of getting those videos posted, selling the cookers, and ordering two more. We love our pressure cookers. Sherece and I have used both pressure cookers weekly for over a year. So maybe you can understand why I had to get one when I heard about the Ninja Foodi!
Back to Nathan, “Yeah, it’s totally sweet. You can pressure cook from frozen and then crisp it like an air fryer.”
Me, “WHAT?!”
Nathan, “It’s pretty cool.”
Now he had my head spinning. To think I could cook my chicken in a quarter of the time or less and then give it that nice crispy crust that I crave. After much thinking and debating, Sherece and I decided it would be worth adding to our growing kitchen. So we ended up at Target to get ourselves a Ninja Foodi.
See, the thing is, Sherece and I love using our pressure cookers all the time. We only cook a limited number of items, but the Ninja Foodi opens up a new world of possibilities! We have discovered new techniques and convenience even with all the different cooking options.
This is getting exciting!
The best part is that we have more than a few people who will join in on the fun and provide insight, recipes, and personal experiences as we all work with our Ninjas, Instant Pots, air fryers, and indoor smokers. We will all share our results with you as we learn about the real power of these new kitchen marvels together. So, let me introduce everyone who is planning on contributing. A few people have already provided articles or videos and are excited to start. Like myself, some have recorded more than a few meals and now have to go back and edit. 😊

Nathan: Wannabe Viking, well-known vampire slayer, and helluva good cook already. Now, if only he would start writing down some of his recipes!

Spencer: Dabbler in all things and a Minecrafter. I’m sometimes good and sometimes terrible at cooking, but learning is the point of this adventure.

De Lana: Quite a character. I think it will be a lot of fun for us all to get to know her. She doesn’t know what the word shy even means! Let’s see what she comes up with.

Diviny: She says she has been a lazy cook except when trying something new, but then she gives it her all. She doesn’t give up on trying new techniques and tools. Diviny says, “Come learn from my mistakes. Hahaha!”
The critical thing to remember is that this site differs from all the other recipe sites. We want to do something that makes it easier for the readers to get recipes and gives them the courage to try them. But we also want to get real results from real people! We want to learn along with you, forget our fears of new kitchen appliances, and become a resource for your cooking needs. We plan to make new friends along the way!
If you like the idea and want to see what we come up with, leave a comment below. Say, “Hi!” We would love to hear from you! If you want to join us as a contributor, send us a message by clicking here!